Can Glaucoma Be Missed in an Eye Exam?

In glaucoma, changes in vision can be subtle and may not be detected with a visual acuity test alone. Peripheral vision is often more affected than central vision in early and moderate glaucoma. Did you know that a comprehensive eye exam can detect glaucoma long before symptoms occur? If you wait for symptoms such as loss of vision to appear, it's too late because the optic nerve has already suffered permanent damage. Without treatment to restore normal eye pressure, most of the optic nerve is permanently damaged and vision is slowly lost.

Pseudo-exfoliated eyes have a higher risk of developing glaucoma, which can be volatile and progress rapidly. Early diagnosis allows for closer monitoring with IOP controls every six months. At least 90% of people with glaucoma have high intraocular pressure, a problem that occurs when fluids build up inside the eye. To protect your eyes against glaucoma, it's important to have regular comprehensive eye exams to assess eye pressure, optic nerve health, corneal thinning, and other signs of potential problems.

Eye exams with dilated dilation are especially recommended every one to two years for people who are at greater risk of glaucoma, such as African Americans age 40 and older, all people over 60 years of age (especially Mexican Americans), and people with a family history of glaucoma. Visual field tests are routinely included in regular eye exams if you are at risk of losing your vision due to glaucoma. A comprehensive exam with dilated dilatations examines the back of the eye for subtle changes in the optic nerve in patients without any visual symptoms, which could lead to early detection of the disease. Routine eye exams performed at the VIP Laser Center in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, detect glaucoma at an early stage.

After that, the frequency of follow-up exams depends on vision, eye health, and risk factors for glaucoma.

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